For Schools
Effective Speech and Language Therapy services are based on forming a strong relationship with a child’s school.
More than 10% of children and young people have long-term speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) which create barriers to communication or learning in everyday life.
At Nam Speech Therapy, we are available to provide a range of services to meet the needs of children/young people with identified SLCN including:
- Support your educational setting on either a short or longer terms basis.
- One-off consultations for a particular child.
- A short term intensive package of support which may involve assessment and screening and individualised therapy packages.
- Work in close collaboration with nursery / school staff / college and parents.
- Whole class speech and language screening assessments.
- Detailed assessment and information gathering.
- Individualised targets and therapy plans.
- Individual therapy sessions.
- Group therapy sessions – both for children with identified speech, language and communication needs and those identified at risk of speech, language and communication difficulties.
- Session feedback for both teachers and parents.
- Supporting the setting to be a communication friendly language learning environment.
- Annual Review, EHCPs and transition reports.
- Onward referrals as appropriate.
- Training – we offer bespoke training and/or coaching programmes designed to meet the specific needs of your staff.